In Review
Huang, S., Sawyer, A., Wohl, E., & Yang, J. Q. (2024). "Impact of Two In-line Channel-spanning Logs on Hyporheic Exchange," Water Resources Research (in revision).
Assis, W. R., Shen, L., & Yang, J. Q. (2024). Role of Microbial Mats in Bed Evolution and the Formation of Sedimentary Structures. (in revision).
Wei, W. , and J. Yang, J. Q. (2024) “Motility directs Pseudomonas aeruginosa towards surfaces and enhances biofilm formation,” 2024. (under review)
Benaich, S., Huang, S.H., Bourg, I., & Yang, J. Q. (2024). High Salinity Increases the Fluidity and Decreases the Yield Stress and Erosion Threshold of Sand-Clay Mixtures. (under review).
San Juan, J. E., Wei, W. G., & Yang, J. Q. (2024). Impact of salinity on the erosion threshold, yield stress, and gelatinous state of a cohesive clay. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 129, e2023JF007485.
Yang, J. Q. (2024). “Solute flow and particle transport in aquatic ecosystems: A review on the effect of emergent and rigid vegetation,” Environmental Science & Ecotechnology, 2666-4984, 2024.
Y. Li, M.Hondzo, and J. Yang, "A synthetic clay removes Microcystis Aeruginosa efficiently," Harmful Algae, 2024. (
S. Benaich, and J. Yang, “Impact of Salt on Cohesive Sediment Transport,” In Sediment Transport Research - Further Recent Advances, edited by Prof. Andrew J. Manning, IntechOpen, 2024. (
Voigtländer, A., Houssais, M., Bacik, K. A., Bourg, I. C., Burton, J. C., Daniels, K. E., ... , and J.~Yang, ``Soft matter physics of the ground beneath our feet,'' Soft Matter, 2024.
Brittany; Lima, Bruno; Chen, Ruoqiong; Yang, Judy Q.; Wei, Guanju; Chumber, Ashwani K.; Herzberg, M; "Effects of fluid shear stress on oral biofilm formation and composition and the transcriptional response of Streptococcus gordonii," Molecular Oral Microbiology, 1–14. 2024.
Huang, S.H. and Yang, J.Q., 2024. Direct visualization of hyporheic exchange in an emergent vegetation canopy. In River Flow 2022 (pp. 716-723). CRC Press.
Wei, G., & Yang, J. Q. (2023). Microfluidic investigation of the impacts of flow fluctuations on the development of Pseudomonas putida biofilms. npj Biofilms and Microbiomes, 9 , 73.
Wei, G., & Yang, J. Q. (2023). Impacts of hydrodynamic conditions and microscale surface roughness on the critical shear stress to develop and thickness of early-stage Pseudomonas putida biofilms. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 1– 12.
Huang, S., & Yang, J. Q. (2023). Impacts of channel-spanning log jams on hyporheic flow. Water Resources Research, 59, e2023WR035217.
Huang, S., & Yang, J. Q. (2022). Impacts of emergent vegetation on hyporheic exchange. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL099095.
Li, Y., Sanfilippo, J. E., Kearns, D., & Yang, J. Q. (2022). Corner flows induced by surfactant-producing bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas fluorescens. Microbiology Spectrum, 10(5), e03233-22.
Yang, J. Q., J. Sanfilippo, N. Abbasi, Z. Gitai, B. Bassler, and H. Stone (2021), Evidence for biosurfactant induced flow in corners and bacterial spreading in unsaturated porous media. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118, e2111060118.
Yang, J. Q., X. Zhang, I. C. Bourg, and H. A. Stone (2021), 4D imaging reveals mechanisms of clay carbon protection and release. Nature Communications, 12, 622.
Yang, J. Q., and H. M. Nepf (2019), Impacts of vegetation on bed load transport rate and bedform characteristics. Water Resources Research, 55.
Yang, J.Q., and H.M Nepf (2018), A turbulence-based bed-load transport model for bare and vegetated channels. Geophysical Research Letters, 45.
Yang, J. Q., C. Hayoon, and H. M. Nepf (2016), The onset of sediment transport in vegetated channels predicted by turbulent kinetic energy. Geophysical Research Letters , 43 , 11,261–11,268.
Yang, J.Q., F. Kerger, and H.M. Nepf (2015), Estimation of the bed shear stress in vegetated and bare channels. Water Resources Research, 51, 3647-3663.
Kinsey, J.C., Q. Yang, and J.C. Howland (2014). Nonlinear Dynamic Model-Based State Estimators for Underwater Navigation of Remotely Operated Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 22(5), 1845-1854.